Eye Exam


Our range of tests ensure that no aspect of your eye health is ever overlooked

Your eye health can be used as an indication of several general health conditions, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even heart disease, as well as the state of your vision. For this reason, there are several tests that can be performed on your eyes, some of which are detailed below:

Fundus photography

A Fundus camera is used to take an image of your retina, at the back of your eye. This is not painful or uncomfortable at all, and only takes a few seconds to complete. Your optometrist might give you some eye drops before the test, which will dilate your pupils and allow the machine to take a better picture.

All you are required to do is to look into the viewfinder of the machine while it takes an image of the back of your eye through your pupil. These pictures allow your optometrist to identify any irregularities or problems within your eye. They also serve as a comparison against increasingly recent pictures to see if your eye changes over time.

Keratometry and autorefraction

Keratometry and autorefraction are used to measure the curve of the cornea, on the front of your eye, and also assess the refractive power of your eyes. This information will give you your prescription – how long- or short-sighted you might be – as well as identifying astigmatism. Occasionally, a keratometer can also be used for contact lens fitting to ensure the lens fits comfortably against your eyeball.

During a keratometry test, you will be asked to look through the viewfinder of a machine at a picture of a hot air balloon. You might even be familiar with this test already. The balloon will move in and out of focus, and the machine will register the reflection of light off your cornea at different points. This gives an overall idea of how light is changed as it enters your eye, and consequently whether you need a prescription to correct your vision.


This is a common test used to measure the pressure in your eyeball. Pressure that is higher than normal is a strong indicator for glaucoma.

During this test, you will be asked to sit in front of a machine with your chin on a chinrest. The machine will then emit a small puff of air onto the front of your eyeball, and measure how much pressure is needed to flatten your cornea. This in turn gives an indication of the pressure inside your eye. This test isn’t painful at all –some people find it a little disconcerting to have air directed at their eye but it is done very gently and completed in just a few seconds.

Visual field screening

Whilst you’re looking at a particular object, you can not only see the object but all around it as well. Your visual field is the total area that you can see without moving your head or eyes.

The visual field screening test simply involves you focusing on a small central light in a machine, and responding whenever you see a quick flash of light anywhere in your periphery. This is a good measure of your general eye health, and indeed your whole visual system. It can also be useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma.

You may not be asked to complete all of these tests every time you visit the optician. Some of them only need to be done every so often, and others are only necessary if you have a family history of or risk factors for a particular condition. All tests are carried out with our state-of-the-art optometric equipment, to allow us to provide you with a top quality service and reassure you that your ocular health is in the best possible hands.

For more information about the range of lenses available at Major Opticians, or to book an appointment, please call (051) 874 392 for Waterford or (051) 641513 for Carrick on Suir, or email waterford@majoropticians.com or carrick@majoropticians.com .

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